Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday, November 15 Assignments

Writing: Continue with Tuesday's essay question in one of three ways
  1. If you haven't done so already, begin writing a response to the prompt.

  2. If you have already written a repsonse, do revisions based on my comments.

  3. If you finish with your corrections and improvements, comment on others' writing directly on their blogs.

  4. For homework, finish 1-3 above by Tuesday.

Math: Finishing up with Algebra basic concepts

  1. Knowledge share: Students recommend math websites or online lessons to each other.

  2. Geometry essay to introduce next week's topic

  3. Equation word problems #1-6, page 572 of Steck-Vaughn GED textbook

  4. For homework, finish any problems from page 572 that we do not cover in class.

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